This was an intense time for issues concerning love and money; it has also brought us a deeper understanding around our values what makes us feel respected. But the trouble's not over yet: Mercury began its own retrograde on April 9, which will end on May 3. Expect delays, technical difficulties, and miscommunicationsunless, of course, you go with the retrograde flow by slowing down and going within. Let's take a look at who needs help this month: Dear Annabel, After my relationship ended earlier this year, I messaged someone I'm connected to on Facebook, but who I've never met in เบอร์มงคล ทํานาย รวย person. We have been talking since every day, but he lives in a different state, and there has been some drama with an ex-girlfriend of his. She claims she saw him on a recent trip and that they hooked up, and that she knows for a fact he messages other girls, but I choose not to believe her. I find myself questioning whether he's really into me, or if he just likes attention. He also has no plans in the immediate future to visit me, and my life isn't so simple that I can just escape for a few days to meet him. Does this relationship have a future? Mixed Messages Dear Mixed Messages, Whether or not your relationship has a future, you two definitely have a present, and it doesn't sound like it's ideal. If this is the honeymoon phase, will it really get any better?
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