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It will also need to find a place to house these immigrants while they're waiting for deportation. Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi noted cheapest flights to new york city from la that Kelly could be responsible for carrying out some of Trump's most divisive campaign promises: the southern border wall and mass deportations among them. "We hope that General Kelly is willing to stand up for facts, families and the Constitution. America will not be made great by dragging parents away from their children, by squandering billions of dollars on a wall that does little to secure the border, or by rejecting freedom of religion and echoing the darkest chapters of persecution." Scraping for federal funds and equipment to battle such problems will not be a new challenge for Kelly. As the head of Southern Command, he was often blunt about his need for more resources to fight the drug trade that sweeps into the U.S. from South America. During a 2014 hearing, he told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he didn't have the ships or surveillance assets to get more than 20 percent of the drugs leaving Colombia for the U.S. He said he often had "very good clarity" on the drug traffickers, but much of the time "I simply sit and watch it go by." The most contentious issue Kelly faced, though, was the Obama push to close the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, detention center, and proposals to bring detainees to a facility in the U.S. if they could not be returned to other nations. Members of Congress stridently opposed any move to close Guantanamo, arguing that it is the ideal location for terror suspects gathered up in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. The Pentagon faced criticism for not moving more quickly to release detainees to other countries.
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For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.businessinsider.com/easy-ways-to-save-on-holiday-travel-2016-11
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